Ittefcu Business Smart Ways to Reduce your School’s Carbon Impact (Part 2)

Smart Ways to Reduce your School’s Carbon Impact (Part 2)

More and more schools today are becoming aware of the need to include ecoliteracy to their curriculum and to shift to more sustainable options to reduce their environmental impact. As discussed previously, some of the ways to lower down schools’ carbon impact are wise use and conservation of energy, school building upgrades, and revision of canteen menu. To continue, here are other tips and recommendations from the Let’s Go Zero campaign.

Green space establishment

Preservation of existing and creation of new green spaces is another smart way to lessen the environmental impact of your school. Gardens, mini forests, and green corridors are great additions to campus facilities. Aside from providing a safe space for wildlife such as birds and plants to thrive, green spaces can also have positive impact on the mood and mental health of students and staff. Simply being near trees and greeneries can help people relax and de-stress.

Smart and responsible waste management

Managing waste also plays a big role in reducing carbon impact. Schools should pay attention to implementing proper waste segregation. Different types of waste materials such as paper and cardboards, plastic, cans, and bottles should be disposed in their proper bins so they are easier to process and recycle. Biodegradable wastes such as food leftovers from the canteen, grass trimmings, and dried leaves can be used to start a compost pile to sustain the school garden.

Getting support

Getting help and assistance from other people and organizations can help improve your initiatives and show you the greener path towards sustainability and eco-friendliness. Seek help from professionals such as sustainability consultants and energy audit agencies. Talk to other schools and organizations with zero carbon goals. Doing so will widen your perspective and help you find new options to improve your green strategies.

While there are many ways to reduce your school’s carbon impact, it is important to realize that such efforts will only work when done together. School administrators, staff, and students should work closely together to make positive change happen for a brighter and greener earth.

For more information, visit: Metanoia Eco